大约 2 分钟
PIDController::PIDController(float _P, float _I, float _D, float _ramp, float _limit){
P = _P;
I = _I;
D = _D;
ramp = _ramp;
limit = _limit;
float PIDController::Output(float error,float dt){
float proportional = P * error; // 比例
float integral = integral_prev + I * 0.5f * (error + error_prev) * dt; // 积分
float derivative = D*(error - error_prev)/dt; // 微分
proportional = _constrain(proportional, -limit, limit); // 限幅
integral = _constrain(integral, -limit, limit); // 限幅
derivative = _constrain(derivative, -limit, limit); // 限幅
float output = proportional + integral + derivative; // 求和
output = _constrain(output, -limit, limit); // 限幅
if(output_ramp > 0) {
float output_rate = (output - output_prev)/dt; // 计算导数 dy/dt(瞬时变化率)
if (output_rate > output_ramp) output = output_prev + output_ramp * dt; // 防止其变化率过大
else if (output_rate < -output_ramp) output = output_prev - output_ramp * dt;// 防止其变化率过小
output = _constrain(output, -limit, limit); // 限幅
error_prev = error;
integral_prev = integral;
output_prev = output;
return output;
#include "pid.h"
PIDController::PIDController(float P, float I, float D, float ramp, float limit)
: P(P)
, I(I)
, D(D)
, output_ramp(ramp) // output derivative limit [volts/second]
, limit(limit) // output supply limit [volts]
, error_prev(0.0f)
, output_prev(0.0f)
, integral_prev(0.0f)
timestamp_prev = _micros();
// PID controller function
float PIDController::operator() (float error){
// calculate the time from the last call
unsigned long timestamp_now = _micros();
float Ts = (timestamp_now - timestamp_prev) * 1e-6f;
// quick fix for strange cases (micros overflow)
if(Ts <= 0 || Ts > 0.5f) Ts = 1e-3f;
// u(s) = (P + I/s + Ds)e(s)
// Discrete implementations
// proportional part
// u_p = P *e(k)
float proportional = P * error;
// Tustin transform of the integral part
// u_ik = u_ik_1 + I*Ts/2*(ek + ek_1)
float integral = integral_prev + I*Ts*0.5f*(error + error_prev);
// antiwindup - limit the output
integral = _constrain(integral, -limit, limit);
// Discrete derivation
// u_dk = D(ek - ek_1)/Ts
float derivative = D*(error - error_prev)/Ts;
// sum all the components
float output = proportional + integral + derivative;
// antiwindup - limit the output variable
output = _constrain(output, -limit, limit);
// if output ramp defined
if(output_ramp > 0){
// limit the acceleration by ramping the output
float output_rate = (output - output_prev)/Ts; // 计算 dy/dt 就是导数(输出变化率)
if (output_rate > output_ramp)
output = output_prev + output_ramp*Ts; // 保证其增长率最高为output_ramp
else if (output_rate < -output_ramp)
output = output_prev - output_ramp*Ts;
// saving for the next pass
integral_prev = integral;
output_prev = output;
error_prev = error;
timestamp_prev = timestamp_now;
return output;
void PIDController::reset(){
integral_prev = 0.0f;
output_prev = 0.0f;
error_prev = 0.0f;
#ifndef PID_H
#define PID_H
#include "time_utils.h"
#include "foc_utils.h"
* PID controller class
class PIDController
* @param P - Proportional gain
* @param I - Integral gain
* @param D - Derivative gain
* @param ramp - Maximum speed of change of the output value
* @param limit - Maximum output value
PIDController(float P, float I, float D, float ramp, float limit);
~PIDController() = default;
float operator() (float error);
void reset();
float P; //!< Proportional gain
float I; //!< Integral gain
float D; //!< Derivative gain
float output_ramp; //!< Maximum speed of change of the output value
float limit; //!< Maximum output value
float error_prev; //!< last tracking error value
float output_prev; //!< last pid output value
float integral_prev; //!< last integral component value
unsigned long timestamp_prev; //!< Last execution timestamp
#endif // PID_H